God of DeliveranceThis week I received a new understanding of a God of deliverance through two precious gifts from seemingly opposite directions.  These gifts were so powerfully aligned, I knew they were meant for me to share together.  The first a prayer, the second a video, the message was clear…

God of Deliverance

O Great God of Deliverance, thank you for rescuing Israel from Pharaoh’s grasp, David from the sword of Goliath, and Daniel from the lion’s den. But O Great Deliverer, thank you most of all for the triumph of Jesus over sin at Calvary and his victory over death at the empty tomb. I long to see you face to face and thank you for my freedom. Until that day, guide me as I use this gift of liberation to serve your children and live for you. In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Because He is a God of deliverance, we have freedom.

Freedom of choice.  Freedom to follow Him or not.  There are always consequences to our choices, some good and some bad, and often our life path becomes an expression of our longing for freedom, rather than an embrace of the freedom we already have.

Francis Chan, one of my favorite speakers, made a video prayer request that I viewed today.  In it he expresses the human struggle to understand God through human understanding.  I was humbled as I listened to him explain so passionately and eloquently, the importance of reminding ourselves that we cannot understand a God of deliverance when we view Him through the lens of our own limitation.

I would ask that you watch this video, and then meditate on the prayer above, both for Francis and for yourself, that you might use the gift of freedom you have received  from our God of deliverance in a manner that edifies others, and glorifies our Creator.

Blessings & Adventure,

Lynn “lynnibug” Rios

The choices we make each day may seem insignificant, but each choice brings us closer to life, eternal life, or closer to death.  As Francis says, “We can’t afford to get this wrong.”  Therefore, may our God of deliverance speak to your heart and reveal to you His plan for you, that you may know and make the choices that are life.

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15 thoughts on “God of Deliverance”

  1. Lovely post. As you know, I don’t accept it (Francis’ logic is correct if you believe that the Bible is the word of God — if so, you can’t question His ways). It is all a matter, as you say, of personal choice and free will, and I believe how you live your life and not what you believe.

    1. I once believed as you do Dennis, so I understand where you are coming from. Then one day I heard God’s word in a way that spoke to my heart like nothing else ever had. All things considered, it means a lot to me that you still stop by the site to see what I am up to.

  2. Nice post. very elegant.Though I am just beginning to learn about you, its hard to imagine you believing another way. Your passion is so genuine and strong.

    1. Coming to faith is a process Jerry, and for some, longer and harder than others. I was well into my thirties when I came to know Him, with much darkness behind me.

  3. Interesting. I would comment but the comment box is not large enough for me to adequately do so. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Our entire life consists of Choices… People need to know… HELL IS REAL! and “The Power Of Death and Life Is In The Tongue” We need to come… Boldly Before The Throne Of Grace…Choose Life…Make Jesus Lord and Savior… and live according to Joshua 1:8.

  5. Pingback: How many calories blog

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