Much of my life has been lived on the edge (or over it). My life path has often taken me to places and into situations where most “respectable” people would not want to venture. Maybe I had the courage to do these things because my life has been utterly filled with miracles.

I will state emphatically for any non-believer that may be reading this, I believe in God and I believe that God causes miracles to happen when they are needed, in the lives of people who are allowing Him to guide their steps. He can only use the willing. I also believe He speaks to us. Those of us who see His miracles and hear His voice are simply the ones who are looking for and listening to Him, in the same way we would look for and listen to a trusted friend. The only difference is that this friend is not seen or heard by most of the people around us.

In my 6th grade art class at Greenbriar Elementary school in Indianapolis, Indiana we were learning calligraphy. The assignment was simply to choose a lettering style and create a project. We were given several days to complete our project. While the other students pondered and labored over elaborate sentences or copied their favorite poem, I was quickly setting pen to paper. Instantly, upon hearing the instructions, the completed work was already fixed firmly in my mind. I went and got a 24″ x 36″ poster board. I measured and carefully marked lightly in pencil the three evenly spaced guidelines. I took royal blue ink and mixed in a little purple to deepen it, and wrote in 4″ high ornate Late Medieval Gothic letters…

Love conquers over all...Peace will come

A week later it was the centerpiece in the glass display case in the hallway outside the art classroom. And there it remained for the next 6 weeks. God put His message before the students and faculty at Greenbriar Elementary School. I did not understand until much later in life, that this profound statement was not dropped into the mind of this particularly ordinary 12 year old girl by accident. A presence that I had felt caring for me and healing me in the moments after a near death experience at the age of 8, had placed the words upon my heart to share with those around me. How many people saw that poster during those 6 weeks? Did that message affect them or their future choices? Will someone read this someday and remember having seen it in 1966?

When I was a very young woman, I remember having a conversation with some friends regarding what we might be like when we got old. After much discussion, I came to a decision about what I wanted to be like should I grow to be really old (I mean like ninety something). I pictured myself as a wrinkly faced woman with recognizable laugh lines deeply embedded in her face. Those deep crevice laugh lines that let you know that this person really lived, really loved, and was truly content in her old age. Now, just past mid-life, I have begun considering what the ingredients are that will result in this picture of satisfaction over the next thirty or forty years.

I am certain that it is no coincidence that I have come to this time and place to be a participant in the process of Love overcoming all obstacles and Peace becoming a reality.  One Month of Wisdom was conceived to draw others into that process.  It has been my all consuming passion since its conception.  I know not where this journey will take me, but I am at peace as I walk this path.

Blessings & Adventure,

Lynn “lynnibug” Rios

Skype: lynnibug

One thought on “Who is lynnibug?”

  1. I enjoyed your story, and I too have felt the pull of Divine Inspiration. It has influenced many things in my life to lead me to where I am today. My life is not perfect, but it’s mine, and it’s up to me to try to improve it on a daily basis.
    I will be looking forward to trading ideas with you.
    Linda Michel White

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