I think we can all agree that the world is changing at an ever increasing rate. Some alarming trends have been observed that can help us to understand just how fast these changes are occurring, what that means to us, and more dramatically, what that means to the young adults of this generation.

  • Institutions of higher learning in technology fields are teaching their freshman class information that will be outdated before their senior year begins. These students are being prepared for jobs that don’t even exist yet, using technologies that don’t exist yet, in order to solve problems that we don’t even recognize as problems yet. Their entire careers will be spent learning the next cutting edge technology, if they are to remain competitive in their chosen discipline.
  • The US Department of Labor estimates that today’s students will have 10-14 jobs by the time they reach “middle age”. That means that what were once considered two of the three most stressful times in a persons life, relocating and changing jobs, will be commonplace events that must be dealt with over and over again. An uncertain future will be the norm, and the flexibility to adapt to changes will be crucial.
  • The Law School Survey of Student Engagement for 2009 revealed that 29% of students expected to graduate with debt exceeding $120,000, up from 18% in 2006. That averages out to a 17% annual increase. A young friend of mine studying graphic arts expects to be over $90,000 in debt at her graduation. Life’s abundance will likely not seem within reach for them as they pound the pavement in search of their first career position.

At the root of attracting life’s abundance is a mindset of certainty… certainty that our needs will be met and our dreams will be fulfilled. It will be more than challenging to maintain the state of faith to attract life’s abundance with an uncertain future always looming ahead. Technology will certainly provide the organizational tools needed to keep pace, but only timeless wisdom will develop faith, and translate that faith into action.

With that being said, here are 3 powerful ways to keep attracting life’s abundance, even when confronted by an uncertain future.

  1. Spend time daily in prayer and meditation. Where God leads you by way of your passion, is the most fertile ground for your ultimate success. When God gives you the vision, He will lead you to the goal. Attracting life’s abundance, while facing an uncertain future, will require unwavering faith, strength, and focus. Nurturing the spirit daily will develop these necessary attributes.
  2. While past generations have resisted change, we have (hopefully) grown to recognize that resistance is futile. While not all changes are good, many changes are good, and the changes that are bad will become obsolete very quickly. Set your goals, visualize your achievements, and then embrace change and flow with it. Let it be an adventure.
  3. Now, more than ever, those who consistently seek knowledge and understanding will be better able to cope with a changing world. Anyone who is foolish enough to think that they have all the answers will be left brushing off the dust of those who forged ahead by their willingness to learn something new.

Spending time daily with God, and allowing Him to guide you to that fertile ground of your passion, can be one of the easiest and most rewarding things you will ever choose to do.  Your wisdom journey is just one click away…do it now!

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One thought on “3 Powerful Ways to Attract Life’s Abundance When Facing an Uncertain Future”

  1. You have such a way of explaining things, I am so very thankful that God has led our paths together. This is so real and true it is scary. Very well said Lynn.

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