Making Disciples – The Blueprint for Network Marketing
I knew in advance that his topic would be about church growth and the things of God that fuel increasing revival on the small island of Cuba. What I was not prepared for was the striking resemblance between the process of discipleship he spoke of, and the network marketing industry, when it is done with honesty and integrity. No wonder so many people are attracted to network marketing… God is the genius who came up with the plan!
Awesome Video from
French Toast – Just Enough To Get To Heaven
There has been an interesting discussion going on in recent weeks about what exactly will qualify a person to inherit eternal life. I have come across as much watered down doctrine as I have over the top legalistic doctrine, which has left me asking why so many people seem to be set on doing “just enough” to get to heaven? While the over the top doctrine pushers would have you believe that you must believe exactly as they do, the watered down faction seems to be seeking the quickest, easiest, cheapest ticket that will be accepted at the pearly gates.
To Boldly Go Where No Man Or Puppet Has Gone Before
This award winning puppet team performs all over the Tampa Bay area and beyond, entertaining in churches, shelters, and elder care facilities, and secular competitions, spreading the word of God and the good news of Jesus wherever they go, with much joy and delight.
The Truth About Taking Risks
One thing common to people who achieve a high level of success is their willingness to take risks. One of my early mentors always posed these two questions when I was considering a risky move. “What is the worst thing that could happen?” and “If that worst thing did happen, what would the damage be?”
A Simple Yet Profound Leadership Lesson
I would really love to give credit to the proper person for this, but honestly the notes on my desk got shuffled around and I can’t seem to connect with which one of the presenters at the event is responsible for this teaching. It is so simple, yet so profound. I would also add that although this is directed at church leadership, the principals are valid for excelling as a leader in any profession or walk of life.
How Wilderness Journeys Create Transformational Growth
As we reach toward our goals, having left our former comfort zone, we often find ourselves in what seems to be an inhospitable wilderness, wondering how we will ever get to where we are going. This is what Jeff has aptly named The Land Between. When we find ourselves in this place,
Andy Stanley’s Upside of Tension vs. Problem Solving Conflict Resolution
The subject matter was foreign to me, as I have always tended toward resolving tensions and keeping my personal space a “zero drama zone.” I was pretty proud of my problem solving conflict resolution skills. Apparently, I had something important to learn. Andy began by stating that in every organization there are problems that shouldn’t be solved and tensions that shouldn’t be resolved. My curiosity was piqued, but I was not expecting to be convinced of this.
Wisdom For the Heart – Christine Caine Speaks of Injustice and Hope
Christine’s passion is for bringing hope to the hopeless and fighting injustice, specifically the injustice of human trafficking. She recently founded an organization called the A21 Campaign. This signifies abolishing injustice in the 21st century. A21 exists to rescue and minster to victims of human trafficking, an organized criminal industry that affects every nation. Trafficking in women is the second largest organized global crime today, generating an estimated $12 billion USD annually. The A21 website describes the harsh reality for a typical victim with these cold hard words.
The World Collage – A New Understanding of Community
What was once just a big blue marble, is now, in my mind, a World Collage…a smattering of this and that from across the globe, that is, in every sense of the word, my community. I have chatted online with them, I have prayed with them, and I have even taken a walk down their street in Google® street view maps. Oh how the world has changed!