A Simple Yet Profound Leadership Lesson

I would really love to give credit to the proper person for this, but honestly the notes on my desk got shuffled around and I can’t seem to connect with which one of the presenters at the event is responsible for this teaching. It is so simple, yet so profound. I would also add that although this is directed at church leadership, the principals are valid for excelling as a leader in any profession or walk of life.

The World Collage – A New Understanding of Community

What was once just a big blue marble, is now, in my mind, a World Collage…a smattering of this and that from across the globe, that is, in every sense of the word, my community. I have chatted online with them, I have prayed with them, and I have even taken a walk down their street in Google® street view maps. Oh how the world has changed!

The answer always lies somewhere in the question…

Someone posed a very thought provoking question to me today. A question that we should all be able to answer quickly and with confidence, but one that I had not asked myself in a very long time. “What do you consider to be your greatest asset?” As I began to consider the possibilities, I found myself really stumped. What is that one best attribute that when called upon, will enable me to reach my full potential?