Have you ever been at a place in your life when you just flat out need a miracle?

Sometimes there are just no good choices.  When Moses led the Children of Israel out of Egypt to the edge of the red sea, they were stuck.  They could not move forward nor could they go back.  There were no good choices, only a desperate need for a miracle, and God showed up right on time.

Sometimes the best we can hope to do is to choose the least bad alternative and rely on God to come up with a plan.  I have been trying my best to be supportive of a friend who is in that very place, to help however I can, but the truth is that I have no words of wisdom for her.  I have no idea what I would do if I was in her circumstances, and I have no idea how to advise her beyond saying..

“Do what you feel in your heart is right,” and pray for a miracle.

It was not all that long ago that I was between a rock and a hard place.  I had walked away from a very bad situation with nothing, and had no idea where I would end up or how I would get there.  All I could do was put one foot in front of the other and hope for the best.  I shudder to think what might have happened, had I not had faith and trusted that God had a reason for me to be in that predicament, that He would see me through it, and that in the end it would benefit me to have walked through that fire.  Without God, there would have been nothing but despair in my life, and I could easily have given up.


It was a blind faith that pulled me through that dark season in my life, and one thing I learned first hand is that God can use it all for good.  He opened doors I would never have imagined, and miraculous things happened.  I also came to understand that if you never need a miracle, then you can never experience a miracle!  Now, I dare to dream bigger and to expect more.  I welcome the tough challenges and I savor the moment when God shows up right on time.  He doesn’t show up early, giving me cause to doubt that it is His hand upon my success, but He never shows up too late.

It is a privilege and an honor to receive a miracle from God, so it must also be a privilege and an honor to need a miracle.

I suppose what I should say to my friend is “Just hang in there and do the best that you can.  God has a miracle in store for you, so start thanking Him for it now, and be ready for it when it comes.”   The world has worn her down so brutally that I wonder if she has the vision to take that in and believe it.  And so I will pray that she can believe, and pray that she will receive, and that it will glorify God in ways that neither of us can imagine.

Blessings & Adventure,

Lynn “lynnibug” Rios

Matthew 6:34 (NKJV)
34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.



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