This Christmas season has been filled with some new and different things for me. As my friend Kris pointed out the other day, this year the network marketers are even taking a break from hammering us with their opportunities and webinars and meetings as Christmas approaches, something that did not happen in years past.

Most impressive to me this year however is the way the story and the message of Christmas are being shared in a more contemporary way, and since that is the call on my life, to reach young people with the word of God within their comfort zone, I am just thrilled at the creativity I have seen this season in the sharing of the Gospel message.

Please relax and really get into this one. It brings the Christmas message home in a very personal way!

Blessings & Adventure,

Lynn “lynnibug” Rios

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One thought on “What If Joseph & Mary Had Facebook?”

  1. I really enjoyed this Lynn..what a wonderful way to tell this timely story of the Christ child..Jesus…thank you for posting

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